• Set Up Bookstore
  • Set Up a Title

Register/Create New Bookstore:

Note: All fields marked * are required.
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Your Web Store's Name (or Publisher Entity Name) that will appear on top all your web pages.
If you type abc here (and if no one else already has it) then your new store's web address will be:


Or if you want a custom domain such as https://mytitle.com/ then you'll need to cancel out of this form, and select one of our premium store plans. With our Seller Plus store plan you can bring your own domain. Our premium Domain Plus and Domain Pro store plans both come with a custom domain included at no extra charge.
Note: A custom domain must be pointed to our name servers, so it has to be dedicated to being a bookstore.

Here you can give some details for your store's 'About' page. You can leave it blank if you wish. Usually this page should tell your shipping policy, refund policy, satisfaction guarantee, etc.

We've inserted some default text for you. Feel free to use it, delete it, tweak it, or whatever.
Example: for 3.5% tax rate, enter: 3.5

Note that internet sales may or may not require sales tax where you are located. Check your state's tax code.

If none, put 0. You must put something, even if a zero. If your state requires you to charge sales tax, enter the rate as a percent, but without the percent sign.
Don't have a PayPal account yet? Get your free PayPal account now! You can accept payments via PayPal if you get a free account. They use an email address as your account ID. Put that email here.
A PayPal Merchant ID is not required to accept cards. However we highly recommend the use of a PayPal Merchant ID in conjunction with our premium Domain Pro store plan so your store can offer the lightning-fast Google Pay™ checkout experience for your buyers. (This popular feature also enables your store to accept Apple Pay™ as well.)

To find your PayPal Merchant ID, log into your free merchant account (business account) at PayPal, click the Settings icon, then choose Account Settings, and click on Business information. Copy your PayPal Merchant ID number, and then paste it here.
Put 'US' if you live in the USA. This can be any two-letter country code from PayPal's list of abbreviations. Default is US.
Put 'USD' if you live in the USA. Can be any currency abbreviation from PayPal's list. Default is USD.
Note: By clicking "Register" you indicate that you are a Bible-believing Christian author, and you have read and agree with the Conditions of Use.

Also note: You should get an email from support@authorstock.com after you register, and you'll need to click a link in it to confirm!

You must set up a bookstore before you can set up a title.