Repent and Be Baptized Every One of You (Volume 1)

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Miraculous events described in the Book of Acts should be happening in most local congregations today. Why are they not? One answer is that we are not applying biblical precepts as we should. Yet God is awakening a mighty army of faith warriors who are established on the Word of God. Be a part of this army! Be powerful for Him! Start by being obedient to basic precepts that are often neglected by many! Any orders of 50 or more books for Bible study/Evangelism are only $8.95 each. You save over 40% per book! To order 50 or more at wholesale price, enter Vendor Code souls on this order page!

ISBN: 978-1475183610 / 1475183615

Non-fiction, 74 pages, Christian Doctrinal Study on Water Baptism