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Repent and Be Baptized Every One of You (Volume 1) Available formats / editions: Miraculous events described in the Book of Acts should be happening in most local congregations today. Why are they not? One answer is that we are not applying biblical precepts as we should. Yet God is awakening a mighty army of faith warriors who are established on the Word of God. Be a part of this army! Be powerful for Him! Start by being obedient to basic precepts that are often neglected by many! Any orders of 50 or more books for Bible study/Evangelism are only $8.95 each. You save over 40% per book! To order 50 or more at wholesale price, enter Vendor Code souls on this order page! ISBN: 978-1475183610 / 1475183615 Non-fiction, 74 pages, Christian Doctrinal Study on Water Baptism List Price: $14.95 | Sale Price: $12.95 | Status: In Stock |
Available formats / editions: No one ever promised this journey we call “life” would be an easy one, but you are not alone. “Walking Each Other Home” is a collection of stories about the things we all face on this road of life—the good, the bad, the dreams, the failures. Filled with stories of life experiences, this book reminds us that even in the hardest times, there is always hope. No matter where you are on your journey, you will find something to relate to in this heartwarming, honest, and encouraging book. You can find hope, help, and joy in the journey. Take some time from the chaos of your day and come along. We are just “Walking Each Other Home.” ISBN: 9781628830125 / 1628830123 224 pages. Illustrated with 50 stunning photos! List Price: $15.95 | Sale Price: $13.55 | Status: In Stock |
A Cup of Tea With Me: Finding Hope in the Simple Moments Available formats / editions: Stories. Through time it's how we shared our lives, our history, our experiences. years ago they gathered around evening campfires, then on the porch and shared stories--and even sweet tea. We have become so busy that we seldom take the time to stop, sit, and listen. This book is a collection of life stories--some short some longer that will make you laugh, cry, and even think. The one thing they all have in common is they show how the God that made the universe cares about the details of our lives--even the smallest ones. As you read this book, God can stengthen you and you'll find that no matter what we may face, He is always our Hope. Come on in and sit awhile. There's a story to tell. I'll pour the tea. ISBN: 979-8-218-15114-0 Inspiring devotional,265 pages. Sale Price: $16.95 | Status: In Stock |
Available formats / editions: English edition | Spanish edition | Combo (both English & Spanish) ENGLISH: What Christ says about us should be the clearest voice in our lives, in a world full of voices shouting at us that we are "not enough." This heartfelt true story reveals a woman's journey through life—with a backstory riddled with highs and lows, doing her best on the roller coaster of life to find her way and her purpose. This is her testimony of overcoming many obstacles, including abuse, drug addiction, and a shattered marriage. It's only when God intervenes in life that things can be truly restored. From the start, Mary felt she did not belong or have real value. Yet in Christ she found herself to be a priceless, unique creation. Mary captured the realization that she is perfectly formed for the intentions Christ has for her life. Read, be moved, and capture that same realization for yourself—exalting the voice of Christ as the foremost influence in your heart! • Nonfiction • Autobiography • Christian • Healing • Inspirational Edición en español | Edición en inglés | Ambos (español e inglés) ESPAÑOL: Lo que Cristo dice de nosotros debería ser la voz más clara en nuestras vidas, en un mundo lleno de voces que nos gritan que "no somos suficientes". Esta sincera [...] [read more] ISBN: 9798640320244 and 9798640719536 Memoir, English edition, 112 pages, illustrated with 30 photos. / Memoria, edición en español, 114 páginas, ilustrada con 30 fotos. List Price: $31.90 | Sale Price: $23.95 | Status: In Stock |
Available formats / editions: English edition | Spanish edition | Combo (both English & Spanish) ENGLISH: What Christ says about us should be the clearest voice in our lives, in a world full of voices shouting at us that we are "not enough." This heartfelt true story reveals a woman's journey through life—with a backstory riddled with highs and lows, doing her best on the roller coaster of life to find her way and her purpose. This is her testimony of overcoming many obstacles, including abuse, drug addiction, and a shattered marriage. It's only when God intervenes in life that things can be truly restored. From the start, Mary felt she did not belong or have real value. Yet in Christ she found herself to be a priceless, unique creation. Mary captured the realization that she is perfectly formed for the intentions Christ has for her life. Read, be moved, and capture that same realization for yourself—exalting the voice of Christ as the foremost influence in your heart! • Nonfiction • Autobiography • Christian • Healing • Inspirational Edición en español | Edición en inglés | Ambos (español e inglés) ESPAÑOL: Lo que Cristo dice de nosotros debería ser la voz más clara en nuestras vidas, en un mundo lleno de voces que nos gritan que "no somos suficientes". Esta sincera [...] [read more] ISBN: 9798640320244 Memoir, English edition, 112 pages, illustrated with 30 photos. List Price: $15.95 | Sale Price: $12.95 | Status: In Stock |
Available formats / editions: Edición en español | Edición en inglés | Ambos (español e inglés) ESPAÑOL: Lo que Cristo dice de nosotros debería ser la voz más clara en nuestras vidas, en un mundo lleno de voces que nos gritan que "no somos suficientes". Esta sincera historia real revela el viaje de una mujer por la vida, con una historia de fondo plagada de altibajos, haciendo lo mejor que puede en la montaña rusa de la vida para encontrar su camino y su propósito. Este es su testimonio de superar muchos obstáculos, incluidos el abuso, la adicción a las drogas y un matrimonio destrozado. Es solo cuando Dios interviene en la vida que las cosas pueden ser verdaderamente restauradas. Desde el principio, Mary sintió que no pertenecía ni tenía un valor real. Sin embargo, en Cristo se encontró a sí misma como una creación inestimable y única. Mary captó la comprensión de que está perfectamente formada por las intenciones que Cristo tiene para su vida. ¡Lee, conmueve y captura esa misma comprensión para ti mismo, exaltando la voz de Cristo como la principal influencia en tu corazón! • No ficción • Autobiografía • Cristiana • Curación • Inspiradora English edition [...] [read more] ISBN: 9798640719536 Memoria, edición en español, 114 páginas, ilustrada con 30 fotos. List Price: $15.95 | Sale Price: $12.95 | Status: In Stock |
CAC's 40th Anniversary Cookbook Available formats / editions: This beautiful cookbook not only has over 180 delicious recipes by past and present CAC members and friends, it also has a wonderful summary of the history of Christian Apostolic Church in its front pages. Thank you for joining us in celebration of our 40th anniversary! Over 180 delicious recipes + wonderful church history = awesome 40th anniversary cookbook! List Price: $15.00 | Sale Price: $6.99 | Status: In Stock |
Available formats / editions: DESCRIPCIÓN Mejore en su viaje cristiano y adquiera conocimientos sobre temas delicados, como "5 signos de relaciones tóxicas" y "Violencia doméstica en el hogar cristiano y cómo superarlos", de este excelente y experimentado autor, Victor B. Calderón. Es un esposo, padre, ex pastor y sobreviviente en tres ocasiones de leucemia, que escribe sobre sus experiencias personales y triunfa ante las adversidades. • No ficción > Religión > Vida cristiana > General • No ficción > Familia y relaciones > General Palabras clave: Ánimo, Adversidad, Relaciones, Creyente, Desarrollo Personal, Triunfo, Pruebas DESCRIPTION Improve in your Christian journey, and gain understanding of sensitive issues—such as "5 Signs of Toxic Relationships" and "Domestic Violence in the Christian home and how to overcome it"—from this excellent and experienced author, Victor B. Calderón. He’s a husband, father, former pastor, and three-time survivor of leukemia, who writes about his personal experiences, and triumphs through adversities. • Nonfiction > Religion > Christian Life > General • Nonfiction > Family & Relationships > General Key Words: Encouragement, Adversity, Relationship, Believer, Self-Improvement, Triumph, Trials [...] [read more] ISBN: 1095312286 / 9781095312285 ESPAÑOLA (SPANISH edition) — 100 páginas (pages) Sale Price: $12.95 | Status: In Stock |
Abortion and the Conscience of the Nation Available formats / editions: New edition of the dynamic book first published in 1983; the only book to be published by a U.S. President while in office. Contributions from Wanda Franz, Ph.D., Pres. of the National Right to Life; Brian P. Johnston, CA. Comm. on Aging and Western Regional Dir. of the Nat. Right to Life; and the Hon. William Clark, Chief of Staff to then-Gov. Reagan, National Security Adviser to the President “President Reagan’s record of public service reveals that no moral issue was of greater importance to him than the dignity and sanctity of human life. [He is] a champion of all that is right and true and just; a firm believer and practitioner of all that makes America great; an advocate of the good; a defender of the innocent, young and old alike.” Hon. William P. Clark, who served as Chief of Staff to Governor Reagan, Justice of the California Supreme Court, Deputy Secretary of State, National Security Advisor, and Secretary of the Interior “President Reagan understood that freedom and equality before the law are based on a more fundamental principle: the intrinsic, God-given dignity and value of each human person ...The pro-life movement will always be indebted to President Ronald Reagan for his word and deed.” Wanda Franz, PhD., President of the National Right to Life Committee “Ronald Reagan stands amidst a pantheon of great and [...] [read more] ISBN: 9798630764201 Paperback, 64 pages, influential pro-life work by President Ronald Reagan List Price: $12.95 | Sale Price: $9.95 | Status: In Stock |
The Evil Twins - Roe and Doe: How the Supreme Court Unleashed Medical Killing Available formats / editions: Click for audio: In 2013 Justice Ginsburg agreed with and confirms Brian Johnston’s eye-opening analysis. Roe and Doe weren’t written to benefit women, but instead, to protect physicians. "Powerful. Explodes the media myth of Roe v Wade." Fr. Frank Pavone, Director, Priests for Life "This book is the 'codebreaker' to the cultural distortion of the right to life issue." Anderea Seastrand, Member of Congress, ret. "Cuts through the fog of the biggest issue of our day - intentional killing of the weak." Craig Roberts, Salem Radio Network — On January 22, 1973, the United States Supreme Court released two, interlocked abortion decisions overturning the laws of all 50 states. Only one, Roe v. Wade, tends to get much media attention. It is popularly said that Roe grants a 'woman's right to choose'. But Justice Blackmun is, in several places, quite adamant: though it had been explicitly sought, he was not granting to women the 'right to choose.' "The right to privacy does not include a right to do as she wishes with her body" and "A woman's constitutional right to an abortion is not absolute." Roe 410 US 189 So why do feminists now assert it celebrates a 'right to bodily autonomy' when it explicitly states the opposite? In Doe v Bolton, the second and often unexamined, companion decision, Blackmun is explicit. [...] [read more] ISBN: 979-8-58662-756-8 Nonfiction, 162 pages, perfect bound List Price: $19.95 | Sale Price: $14.95 | Status: In stock! |
Death As A Salesman: What's Wrong With Assisted Suicide Available formats / editions: Recognized as one of the definitive handbooks in the battle against assisted suicide, this clearly written analysis examines the issue from numerous perspectives. Chapters include: The story of Jack Kevorkian; the History of the Hemlock Society; Real Answers to Pain and Depression; Hospice Care; Medical Ethics; Social History of Assisted Suicide; and much more. Editorial Reviews "Death As A Salesman is incisive. It's a logical and easy read on a difficult and emotional subject. Brian Johnston drives home, in an accessible and engaging way, why 'Thou shalt not kill.' still makes sense." --Professor David B. Warner, University of Steubenville"This book is a tremendous resource for anyone called on to address the issue of 'assisted suicide.' And since we're all going to die, and know friends and family who will likely go before us, it is an issue facing us all!" --Dr. Margaret Anderson"This is what I've been looking for, it spells out all the dangers that I could see, but couldn't easily explain. I'm going to be giving copies away." --Susan Singleterry ISBN: 978-0964112513 Nonfiction, 195 pages, perfect bound List Price: $14.95 | Sale Price: $9.95 | Status: In Stock |